Will a DWI Conviction Affect My College Admission?

A DWI conviction can have severe consequences on various aspects of your life, including your educational pursuits. If you're a student concerned about how a DWI conviction may affect your chances of getting into college or being expelled, this blog post aims to provide you with important considerations.

Colleges Are More Inclined to Look Past Misdemeanor Convictions

Every DWI is a serious legal matter, but not all DWI charges are equally serious. Most DWIs in Texas are misdemeanors, which typically means that the defendant charged isn’t accused of causing a collision, hurting or killing anyone, having a minor passenger in the car, being a habitual DWI driver, or any other factors that would constitute a felony charge.

College admissions officers are more inclined to look past less serious misdemeanor DWI convictions, but they don’t necessarily have to do so. If the institution has policies against admitting students with criminal records, this can result in a denial. If the institution doesn’t have any such policies, your admission could still be in jeopardy if you’re competing with an otherwise equally qualified applicant with no criminal background.

DWI Consequences for Scholarships & Financial Aid

Unless you’re charged and convicted of felony DWI, your admission and enrollment to a university may not be affected. That said, other aspects of your education could be at stake.

If you receive any scholarships from the university or any other organization, those entities can choose to evaluate your conduct outside of the classroom and rescind financial aid. Additionally, if you are convicted of felony DWI, you can lose any federal financial aid you may receive.

Lying About Your DWI Can Result in Adverse Consequences

If you are asked about your criminal history on applications for enrollment, financial aid, or a scholarship, it’s advisable to answer truthfully. Should you lie about being arrested or convicted of DWI, the discovery of false, misleading, or omitted information could affect your college application or continued enrollment.

You can consult with an attorney to learn more about when you must disclose information about your arrest and charges if your criminal case is pending.

Unintended Consequences of a DWI Conviction

Even if you are admitted to college and can keep your scholarships despite a DWI conviction, the consequences of your conviction can adversely affect your college career.

For example, you may be forced to miss class if you are sentenced to jail or community service. Many universities require students to maintain a minimum grade-point average (GPA), and falling below that mark because you can’t fulfill or keep up with your academic responsibilities can result in expulsion.

Likewise, you may find it difficult to attend class if the court suspends your driver’s license when you rely on commuting to class. While you can qualify for a restricted driver’s license to make it to school and work, you may have to plan on public transportation to get around.

Lastly, there’s the stigma that being convicted of DWI can bring. Although you don’t have to disclose your arrest or conviction when you’re not required to do so, your peers may inevitably find out. If you value keeping this part of your personal history to yourself, it’s a lot harder to do so when information about your conviction may be found somewhere on the Internet.

An Experienced DWI Attorney Can Protect Your Future

When you’re facing DWI charges, your entire future could be at stake. In addition to the adverse consequences a conviction could mean for your college education, the impact of a conviction can reverberate for the rest of your life. That’s why you should consult with an experienced criminal lawyer for assistance.

We at The Law Office of Rene A. Flores PLLC may be able to help you secure a better outcome. With our legal support, it may be possible to dismiss the charges against you, beat them at trial, or secure a plea deal for a much less serious and stigmatizing offense. When we believe there’s hope for a more favorable result, we can help you fight to obtain it.

For more information, contact The Law Office of Rene A. Flores PLLC online today.

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